Sunday, August 15, 2010

Guru Batik to Aang, Banana curry soup!

You read it right! It is a soup made with bananas. I am a huge fan of the Avatar series, No, not the hollywood movie made by Cameroon, but the original cartoon series that has now been made into a movie by Manoj.
Aang drinks up a juice given to him by Guru Batik and exclaims that it tastes like onion-banana juice. Before I could see the expression on Aangs face, my face went into a twisted contortion and a repulsion for a taste I have never experienced. I just could not imagine this combination and thought that it was cartoony fun.
One day in the mensa, the menu read, banana curry soup : 60 cents. This is not huge money to experiment with an un-experienced taste and when I tasted it, I had to go back for two refills. To put it in Aangs perspective, it sure will help gain spiritual highness!

There are not many convincing recipes about this Estonian soup on the internet and so my curiosity drove me to ask dear Frau Fidan Batman about this. And then I cooked this the very evening for dinner.

Take a vessel and add cut bananas into it. Add water just enough to submerge the bananas and let it boil until the bananas are cooked. Saute finely chopped onions in butter along with a very small piece of garlic and an equally sized ginger. Once the onions are translucent, sprinkle curry powder (coriander, cumin, fennel, pepper, cinnamon, paprika and turmeric) and salt. Transfer into blender along with the boiled bananas and blend until very smooth. Transfer back into vessel and bring to required consistency with water. Cook on low heat and finish off with cream. Before serving, in the cup, add few pieces of unsalted banana chips into the soup.

* picture to be uploaded soon
* the curry powder is not our usual Indian curry powder!


  1. whoaa... that is curiously interesting... sure gotta try it :)

  2. hehe awesome da! but am sure Guru Batik just made a paste of onions and bananas :P poor Aang had to drink it raw.. so try that also to experience real spiritual enlightenment and then tell how it was :)

  3. awwwwwww I still cant imagine the taste. Reverse engineering of mind cooking for this recipe doesn't seem to work. May be I should really experiment it and see. :) hey is it ripe banana or raw banana???? I'm still not getting convinced.

  4. Oh wow.. Didn't know you're an Avatar fan too... I am obsessed with the entire series that I've watched the whole things 4-5 times over...

    Yeah I remember Guru Pathik's banana soup... and also Aang's awesome expression upon tasting the Banana and onion soup :P
